and Point of View
Key Learning(s): Students will become aware of the elements of persuasive text. Students will write opinion pieces on topics or texts supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Key Learning(s): Students will become aware of the elements of persuasive text. Students will write opinion pieces on topics or texts supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Unit Essential Question(s): How is
opinion writing used in the real world?
LA. persuasive text
LA. persuasive techniques
W.1.1.a- Introduce a topic or text
clearly, state an opinion and create an organizational structure in which
related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
W.1.1.b. - Provide reasons that are
supported by facts and details.
W.1.1.c. - Link opinion and reasons
using words and phrases (e.g. For instance, in order to, in addition.)
W.1.1.d. - Provide a concluding
statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Essential Questions:
What are the advantages of having
supporting arguments for your proposed ideas?
Essential Questions:
Why is it important to clearly
introduce a topic and state an opinion?
Why is it important to provide an
organizational structure and provide reasons?
Lesson Essential Questions:
What is the function of transitional
phrases? Why are they important?
What is the purpose of a concluding
Persuade, arguments, viewpoint,
convince, debate, evidence, validity, controversy
Opinion, support, facts, details, point
of view, reasons.
Phrases, concluding statement
W.4.10- Range of Writing- Write
routinely over extended time frames. Time for research, reflection and
revision. Completing a writing in a single sitting.
L3.1f- subject-verb agreement
L.3.3a- Words and phrases for effect.
L.4.1f-Complete sentences, fragments,
L.4.1g-Correctly uses frequently
confused words.
L.4.3a-Coveys ideas precisely.
L4.3b-Choose punctuation for effect.
Unit Map 3- Refining elements
DBQ project- Social Studies
Helpful Websites:
http://www.mrnussbaum.com/xsurgeon/index.html; http://havefunteaching.com/songs/writing-songs/expository-writing-song